Monday 28 September 2020

Chapter 5 - Various methods of Prayer

Just a reminder that this text is taken from Of familar Intercourse with God in Prayer by Louis de Ponte - London Burns Oates & Washbourne 1932.

Page 84  Section 1 - How the memory of the Presence of God helps us to avoid sin and to conquer temptation

Eternal God, take away, I beseech thee, the dense veil my sins have placed between me and thee, hiding thy face. For I know that if I look upon thee as I ought, all that I accuse myself of, thou wilt wipe out; neither shall I ever again return to my former sins or offend thy most pure eyes, which see and detest them.

Page 88 Section 2 - That this great realisation of the presence of God is a great help to attaining true and solid virtue

Eternal King, conduct me, like Jacob, through right ways [Wisdom x,10], show me the Kingdom which is within us [Cf. St Luke xvii,21], and Thyself, the King of Glory. Show me how thou dost protect those who keep their eyes fixed on thee; give me eyes with which to look into thy kingdom and obtain for me that justice, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost [Romans xiv, 17] in which it consists. May I realise thy presence more and more, and make progress in virtue until I obtain its eternal reward. Amen.

Permission from Liturgical Press to quote from Ludolph of Saxony (the Carthusian) translated by Milton Walsh.

 Very kindly the Liturgical Press have allowed me to publish extracts from the Ludolph of Saxony aka the Carthusian's Life of Jesus Chri...